Google Docs is a free online software to write a document. What differentiates Docs with other writing software such as MSWord, WPS, WordPad, and others is that your document is saved on the cloud. It means that you can write on any device that can access google and you can add your friend/colleague to do collaborative writing. IMHO a cross-platform writing software is a pretty convenient little thing that we take for granted these days. Imagine the old days on Windows XP if we want to connect to the internet we need to do complicated and mentally painful Dial-up procedures. This time we do collaborative writing in Google Docs about our favorite web on the internet. you can see our docs here. or you can see our video about Collaborative Writing using Google Docs here --- ___ --- ___ ---___ --- --- ___ --- ___ ---___ --- Google Docs adalah perangkat lunak online gratis untuk menulis suatu dokumen. Apa yang membedakan Docs dengan software pengolah kata/penulis lainny...
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